The Office of Student Success (OSS) is located within the Teaching, Learning & Undergraduate Affairs Division at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Wits University.

OSS is staffed by a dedicated professional team that enables the psychosocial development, wellbeing and support of Health Science students towards their academic success.

OSS is committed to ensure students remain at the heart of our services through the values of: 



We commit to offer a safe, non-judgemental space of care for all students.


         We recognize that each individual must be treated with respect and dignity.



We celebrate the uniqueness of each individual.


    We continuously look for opportunities to innovate and achieve success.



Wits Gateway to Success programme is the compulsory orientation of all first-year students into campus and academic life. OSS is a member of the planning team that implements this programme which consists of online as well as on-campus activities and mentoring. 

Academic Advising 

Advisors provide academic assistance namely learning skills, life skills, test and exam skills to students through class sessions, small group and/or one on one sessions. These sessions are tailored to upskill students for academic success and raise awareness of campus resources and services. Advisors also track student performance and recommend tutoring services as the need arises. 

Blended Learning 

OSS offers blended learning support for Quintile 1 - 3 students, as well as students who are 'at risk of failure'. Another module of blended learning is an inter-professional component which teaches students the principles of interprofessional work. 

Psychosocial Support 

Mental health practitioners provide individual counselling, debriefing and crisis management for students who may need immediate containment due to heightened emotional distress. Practitioners also facilitate support groups for students in order to enhance their coping skills. For example, leadership skills development webinars are availed for student leaders on the Health Science Student Council (HSSC).


OSS coach empowers senior students and student leaders to gain a more profound sense of awareness, increase self-regulation, manage change and gain coping skills to negotiate clinical settings. 


Staff implement several projects and programmes to promote the psychosocial learning and life skills development of students at the faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), namely: 

OSS #MakeaDifference Programme 

There are students who are impacted by their financial and socioeconomic circumstances, which results in their basic needs not being met, among these, the need for food security, hygiene and personal care. The OSS commits to improve the lives of these students by providing each a monthly care kit as well as empowerment workshops and activities.

OSS Ukuthula App 

This App creates awareness on the importance of mental health and offers students various coping skills for academic and emotional wellbeing. 

Gender Empowerment & LGBTQIA+ Awareness 

Intern psychologists placed at the OSS continue sharing information on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and educate students about various forms of abuse and discuss concepts such as consent and reporting. Furthermore, the OSS partners with the HSSC Transformation Committee to create awareness on challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ student community. 

Wellness Campaigns 

Many innovative activities, dialogues and video recordings are shared with students in order to create awareness on the importance of wellness as well as alleviate stress and anxiety. 

Follow us as we provide academic, emotional wellness, motivation, and encouragement to FHS students. 

OSS Instagram @office_of_student_success

OSS Facebook @FHSOSS